Page 7 - The Argyll Standard - Steptember 2019
P. 7
MEMBERS: Generally really well received
with some lovely positive comments. Most
members are probably a little ‘ambivalent’
but we are reminded that this is the start
of a journey of communicating and engaging
with them more regularly with good
news and relevant benefits. We have also
managed to already sell a few Portfolio
Memberships to some existing members.
YOU: The water bottles, cake pops and
doughnuts seemed to go down very well!
Thank you for your hard work in delivering
the desk drop on the morning of our launch
and for changing out all POS that made
reference to LEO. Hopefully there is little
evidence of LEO left! And we’re really
pleased with the attendance at the various
roadshows and breakfast briefings.
DIGITAL: We managed to launch the new
website on the morning of 5th September; NEW CUSTOMERS: We kicked off a
in truth we probably launched it a couple of campaign to raise our brand profile and
weeks earlier than we would have liked, but capitalise on a key sales period. This started
we’ve been working hard to bring the site with advertising in the press on the week of
up to a quality standard we’re happy with. launch and has continued with a digital and
Despite this, the reaction has been positive social campaign.
toward our most visible channel for our new
brand. And the App is still being planned for SOCIAL: Don’t forget we also have our
an imminent launch! own social channels which we’re growing
everyday. So please follow us @theargyllclub
COMPETITORS: We like it when the and update your LinkedIn profiles with The
competition complement us and that’s Argyll Club as your employer.
exactly what the CEO of TOG did when he
said how smart our new brand looked and UPDATED COLLATERAL: We are still
that it felt really premium. We think there in the process of updating all collateral and
is clear daylight between ourselves and the we’ve made great progress with all external
rest of the ‘mass market’. materials. All internal collateral will need to
be updated by end October.