Page 3 - The Standard - January 2019
P. 3
Key dates Launch Event, Yes We Can
Annual LEO Awards
25th January 2019
Employee of the Month
Nominate here The recent Lucy Masters, Liz Wilmot,
customer survey sent to Lenuta Juncu, Sandra
all residential customers Szaboova, Ted Janecki,
received 90 responses, Rebecca Holborn, Steven
with 89% of customers Pooley, Joanne Mirfield,
grading our overall service Andrea Bosi and Bianca
as either excellent or good. Salmon.
Well done to everyone on
receiving such a positive A survey will be sent in
result! the coming weeks to
virtual customers, and we Laura Wood
A special mention to those will of course share the
who were personally feedback once it has been Decemeber 2018
named by customers for collated. Employee of the
their high standards and month
service: Alex Melhuish, Mel Conal O’Hara
Reeves, Chief Operating Officer