Page 6 - The Standard - January 2019
P. 6
& Innovation
Each ambassador will be asked to think creatively
about relevant content to share across LEO’s
social media sites.
Examples of content could Michelin House Staff Launch
include; pictures of recent and finally a Champagne &
building uplifts or makeovers, Canapé Evening held at No.1
local area tips such as a Cornhill for London's PA's
great lunchtime market, new to showcase the exquisite
restaurant opening or any Meeting and Event space.
seasonal activities. The aim
is to use our greatest asset, Check out the Facebook
our staff, to assist in sharing photo albums above. Don't
the latest news, as well as forget to also stay up-to-
exciting events news and date with our blog, The LEO
updates from around our Lounge. Feel free to like,
business #leolife! tweet or share the content.
Furthermore, here's a link
September was an extremely to our Marketing Scrapbook
busy month for events, where you will find all of our
starting with the launch of recent Marketing creative,
Quantum, followed by the including our '5-star festive
launch of Michelin House, fun' initiative and social
Square Meal Exhibition, media advertising.
January 2019