Page 4 - The Argyll Standard - October 2019
P. 4

Octagon Point   85 Gresham Street
         Park House                                  5 Cheapside,   EC2V 7NQ
         116 Park Street,                            EC2V 6AA
         W1K 6SS

               8 - 10 Hill Street
               W1J 5NG
                                                                      1 King William Street
                                                                      EC4N 7AF

                  Nova North
                  11 Bressenden Place,
                  SW1E 5BY

        Nova South
        160 Victoria Street,
        SW1E 5LB

                                CLUB NEWS


               The DISC profiling tool was introduced   they deal with an individual’s gut reaction
             to our business earlier this year, as part of   to events, their unconscious behaviour, and
             our Clients for Life programme.  This month   a person’s natural reaction based on their past
             we will continue to look at the different   experiences.
             behaviours  from  the DISC profile,  following
             the introduction to this in previous issues.   The adapted style is a person’s ‘game face’,
                                            their conscious behaviour, and how they react
               Each person displays each of the four   to the present circumstances around them.
             different behaviours (Dominance, Influence,   In our day to day work, this adaptation of
             Steadiness and Compliance), and the profile   our behaviour is about how we ‘choose’ to
             shows how a person prefers to give and   respond and behave towards others based on
             receive information, and how a person will   the current situation we face.
             behaviourally respond to different situations.
               The  DISC model  identifies  a person’s
             natural tendencies and  gives  them the   “All people exhibit all four
             knowledge to consciously adapt as and when   behavioural factors in varying
             the situation requires.              degrees of intensity”.
               The natural style is how people will   W.M. MARSTON
             automatically respond to pressure, and
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