Page 5 - The Standard - January 2019
P. 5

There were some recurring issues   •   When holding a one to one
           throughout  the  buildings  that  will  be   discussion with your staff, it is
           looked at before the next round of   helpful to upload a record of the
           audits:                              meeting to cascade – it makes the
                                                appraisal process much easier.
           •   The AML CDD forms need to be
               checked before being uploaded,   The audit process will commence again
               in particular risk ratings and   this month, with some changes which
               information on business activities   will be announced in due course.
               and source of wealth and funds.
               Remember  that all  virtual  clients   Overall,  its  impressive  how  much  the
               will be deemed high risk due to   teams are working on audits, and
               the fact that we don’t have a daily   everyone should be very proud of their
               face-to-face  relationship  with  achievements.
               them. In addition, read through the
               information provided on nature of
               business activities and source of
               wealth and funds – if it doesn’t
               make sense to you, it probably
               doesn’t make sense to HMRC
           •   Make sure all service retainers
               match between the customer card
               on CentreVision, the  licence  and
               the agreement
           •   Continue  to check CONNECT  vs.
               CentreVision during the billing

           January 2019
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