Page 6 - The Standard - January 2019
P. 6
& Innovation
Results are in!! Thank you to everyone for their
hard work, we have generated a very impressive
£78,891.54 in additional revenue. Well done
to everyone who contributed to the IT Sales
incentive for Q3 & Q4 2018.
We are delighted to advise your involvement so please
that the IT Team will be send any suggestions and
rolling out new PC’s, to ideas to
replace the current Lenovo’s
and reception iMacs. Details
of the new equipment can In conjunction with this
be found here. A schedule project, we are also looking
with delivery dates will at making our self-service
follow as soon as it’s been instructions more user
confirmed. friendly and are doing work
to enable our residential
We are working to improve, clients to use the Kramer
refresh and standardise our VIA wireless presentation
meeting room technology devices on WiFi secure -
across the portfolio without having to connect
to ensure a consistent to the Meeting Room WiFi.
customer experience. We
would like to encourage
January 2019