Page 13 - The Argyll Standard - September 2019
P. 13

ambition to be known as “London’s leading
             premium workspace and business club”.
               The  employee  engagement  results
             highlighted that 77% of our people are proud
             to work for our business, and that overall
             satisfaction is currently at 71%.  These are
             solid results, yet also set the opportunity
             to aim high and to make improvements.
             With  “My  Team”  scoring  highest, and
             “Giving Something Back” scoring lowest,
             the Executive Team will be working on our
             leadership commitments that bring focus
             across all areas important to our people,
             linked to our 2020 plans and beyond.
               The next few months will be our
             opportunity to bring our new brand to life,   We would like everyone to think creatively
             to embed our new values and our behaviours   about ways to highlight our teams in
             in everything we do. As a reminder, values   action, demonstrating our behaviours in
             describe our culture at  The  Argyll Club,   their workspaces, and/or sharing stories of
             making it easy to explain in single words.   our success against our new values. More
             In turn, behaviours create and define the   information on this has been shared with
             culture of working in our business in to day   your  managers.  Please  share  your  success
             to day actions. In other words, together they   and  activities  throughout  the  week  on
             are both important to how we improve as a   Yammer.
             business. We will be defining these in more
             detail in “Our DNA” document, which will   Finally, for those who were unable to
             give structure to performance conversations   attend the Team Launch Event on Thursday
             and support the learning available to our   26th September at BAFTA, you are likely
             employees across their various job roles in   to have heard your teammates discussing
             our  growing business.  This  document will   the evening’s activities. We believe it was a
             be released late this year, and ahead of the   real success at bringing our people together,
             annual performance reviews in early 2020.  having fun, and also sharing honest feedback
                                            on each of the three pillars that support
               Although cultural change takes time, we   our ambition – Our People, Our Members
             will start to bring our values and behaviours   and Our Performance.  This is the start of
             to life during National Customer Service   a positive road ahead.  Thank you for your
             Week commencing 7th October 2019.   commitment to this journey and our future.
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