Page 9 - The Argyll Standard - September 2019
P. 9


                                CHURN FOCUS 2019

               We have looked at all clients with a potential end dates between now and the end of the year.

               There  are  a  total  of  265  clients  with  a   This  is  a  key  focus  and  with  still  lots  of
             potential  2019  revenue  sum  of  just  over   potential revenue up for grabs, will remain a
             £4,000,000.  Our objective is to get as much   focus for weeks to come.
             of this revenue committed as possible and see
             if we can save any clients that have currently   At present the main success story is from
             given notice to depart.        23 King Street where the team have managed
                                            to not only save a customer who has handed
               We split the task into two phases, phase   in notice but also expand them.
             1 being the clients with 80% of the potential
             revenue  and  phase  2  being  the  rest  of  the
               PHASE 1 is well  under way and as of last
             week we had committed revenue of just over
             £1,250,000  with  a  further  £218,964  with
             contracts issued.
               PHASE 2 is now beginning and by the end
             of this week we would have contacted all of
             the 265 clients on the list.
               We have had some really good meetings
             with  Senior  Members  of  The  Argyll  Club
             present, we are uncovering lots of issues that
             are  causing  concern  to  our  clients  however
             this is a good thing as we are now aware of
             them and working hard to resolve them.
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