Page 115 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 115
Referred to as the “third eye” by Indian mystics and the “seat of the soul” by Descartes, the pineal gland is the body's "regulator of regulators”. It shares information about environmental light changes and the earth’s electromagnetic feld with every cell of the body at the same instance of time. In doing so, each cell effortlessly upgrades and synchronizes its function with Mother Nature, bringing us into our natural state of wholeness.
All biological life is composed of and dependent upon light. Ninety-eight percent of the sun’s light enters the body through the eyes, the other 2% via the skin. The body is a biological light receptor, and the eyes are transparent biological windows designed to receive and emit light. Thus, light is the primal nourishment for life.
Ocular Color Therapy (Syntonics)
Syntonics, from the word Syntony (to bring into balance), is the therapeutic application of colored light by way of the eyes to balance the body’s regulatory functions by balancing the autonomic nervous system and endocrine system.
The work of Spitler and others demonstrated that the red end of the spectrum stimulates the sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system, while the blue end stimulates the parasympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system. In addition, the red end of the spectrum has a stimulating effect, while the blue end has a depressing effect. Based on these fndings, a balance board was used to illustrate the effect of each of the spectral colors.
Since green is the center or balance point of the visible spectrum, it is used in most treatments. Through clinical application, it was determined that specifc color combinations were effective for specifc conditions.