Page 116 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 116

 To impact the heart, emotions, reproduction and circulation, use scarlet, purple, and magenta. The basis for this application came from the relationship between the emotions and the heart, the heart and the blood, and the emotions and the blood to the adequate functioning of the reproductive system.
The pioneering discoveries of Dinshah, Spitler and their predecessors created a powerful foundation for the therapeutic use of color. However, their theories and “cookbook” approach to treatment were developed at a time when the impact of stress was not well understood and the impact of mind on body was often considered imaginary.
Today, it is widely recognized that our beliefs often have more to do with our health and happiness than the actual circumstances of our life. Most disease is caused by stress, and most stress is the result of a mismatch between our beliefs about life and our actual life experiences. But where do our beliefs come from and how much do they impact us? Is it possible that many of our physical and emotional imbalances are actually the result of the body being misdirected by our ideas about life? Here, we enter the world of mind-body medicine.
Eight hundred years ago, Suf poet, Jalaluddin Rumi, wrote “Oh seeker. These thoughts have such power over you. From nothing you become sad. From nothing you become happy.” Today, physics and medical science have confrmed what Rumi was alluding to.
Quantum physics has demonstrated that nothing exists without an observer and the observer’s point of view determines what is observed. In other words, a person’s beliefs infuence everything they come in contact with. A researcher infuences the results of his experiments. A doctor infuences the results of his treatments. How we perceive our state of health, often infuences how we feel and how we heal. But where do our beliefs come from?
At birth, an infant exists in a state of oneness, unable to distinquish itself from the outside world. As it develops and interacts with the

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