Page 118 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 118

 Color Homeopathy
Early in my career, I discovered that color was inseparably linked to our emotions. Different people reacted to the same colors in different ways. Each person seemed comfortable with some colors and uncomfortable with others. As I investigated this phenomenon, I found that the colors one liked reminded them of pleasant experiences, because they were vibrationally related to harmonious life events. However, the colors they disliked often awakened painful memories, because they resonated with discordant events in their lives.
According to quantum physics, the foundational energy from which the universe emerged is the vibration we call light. Light is composed of different wavelengths, perceived by us as color. Thus, colored light is the energetic foundation our life’s experiences, and how we experience color can tell us a great deal about ourselves. Since each person’s response to color refects his or her response to life, their experience will be unique, providing a glimpse into their inner emotional landscape.
When we are in balance, we embrace all colors of the light spectrum non- preferentially and function at high effciency. However, when we feel out of balance, we are attracted to some colors and recoil from others, and our energy level is lower than normal.
Coincidentally, biophotonpioneer Professor Fritz Albert Popp confrmed similar behavior in cells. He observed that when a cell is in optimal balance it responds to all colors of light identically, absorbing and storing light like a car battery holds a charge. However, when a cell is out of balance, it responds to colors of light selectively, and is unable to effciently store light, reducing its life force. Therefore, our response to color can reveal a great deal about our health, the way energy circulates through our body and where in our body we might develop physical issues. These observations led me to investigate the ancient chakra system, which originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC.
According to philosopher and scientist Christopher Hills, author of Nuclear Evolution: Discovery of the Rainbow Body, the chakras, located at the site of the body’s seven major endocrine glands, are ignited by the seven colors of the visible spectrum and are related to the attainment of health, happiness, and higher consciousness. The chakras are not only linked to our physical health, but also to our spiritual evolution. Thus, each chakra and the colors associated with them represent a unique theme in our life’s journey from survival,relationship, intellect and love, to communication, vision and consciousness.

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