Page 119 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 119
By using color homeopathically, we pierce the foundational issues of one’s life, yielding profound and long- lasting results. Just as the science of homeopathy is based on the principle that what makes a person ill also cures them, exposing someone to small doses of the colors that make them uncomfortable, eventually softens andneutralizes their reactions to those colors. Simultaneously, the stressfulreactions they habitually experience with certain people and situations also begins to dissipate, allowing them to feel more at ease with situations that used to feel uncomfortable.
The key to this approach is gentleness, as none of us are comfortable feeling uncomfortable, and we usually respond best to subtle and moderate stimuli. By using color to reveal our unresolved emotional issues, and gently desensitize ourselves from the triggers associated with them, Color Homeopathy can free us from a great deal of stress, resulting in more energy, expanded awareness, improved relationships, and a renewed sense of wellness.
In Conclusion
As our experience with light begins to harmonize, so our experience with life will begin to fow more effortlessly. Our overall wellbeing will improve, and a sense of peace and spaciousness will permeate our life, supplanting the emotional sensitivities that previously caused distress.
As light passes through us with greater transparency, life becomes a living