Page 117 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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individuals in its environment, a sense of self emerges as separate from others. As its actions are met with acceptance or rejection, the child is trained to adapt his or her own way of being in an attempt to behave in a way that is acceptable to those around them.
It is during this process of conditioning that an individual’s core beliefs about life are formed. The mental and emotional imprinting of these fundamental beliefs typically occurs during the frst seven years of life and guides one’s behaviors and reactions throughout their lives. It is estimated that a child cultivates 85% of their intellect, personality and skills by age fve. According to renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Foster Cline, 98% of our beliefs and reactions to life are established by the end of our sixth year of life. The fndings of Cline and others suggest that our beliefs are set early in life. But how do our beliefs directly impact our physiology?
The science of Psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology (PNIE) has clearly illustrated that an inseparable link exists between our mental, neurological, hormonal and immune functions. In essence, the non- physical intelligence we refer to as mind or consciousness transmutes formless thoughts, ideas and beliefs into physical form within the body. Every thought, idea, belief, emotion or intention we identify with materializes into a chemical messenger that is experienced by every cell of the body simultaneously and is emitted energetically into the environment. These informational substances known as neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, hormones and pheromones are, according to Dr. Candace Pert, “molecules of emotion”. Since the average person has approximately 70,000 thoughts per day, PNIE reveals that the more we identify with the conscious mind, the more our beliefs impact our physiology.
Having investigated mind-body interactions since 1976, I have discovered a unique relationship between one’s color preferences, their life experiences and the beliefs that develop as a result. Based on my clinical observations, I developed an approach to using color called Color Homeopathy.