Page 146 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 146

A new, seed light is being born now, and with it many fresh possibilities for Healing and Soul Connection
(Mandalas of Light by Tara Devi)
We are in wondrous times right now. The ecosystems of the planet, animals, vegetation, and people are stressed like never before. Many, if not most, of the old systems of medicine, government, religion, family, and education are critically stressed, and not providing the answers and solutions to global challenges we are all facing.
It’s a given that when things get tough, people
contract to protect themselves. That’s fne for
short term survival, but the cost is high.
Contracted people lose connection with all the
big resources that we have around us, things
like energy, basic goodness, faith, hope, light,
love, confdence which are naturally
supported by the earth and the light systems,
but these precious resources are not registered
to a contracted self. The contracted self loses
its eyes to see and its heart to feel, and hangs
on to the past for information about how to
live the present. This is somewhat like driving a car going forward and

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