Page 147 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 147

 steering by looking in the rearview mirror.
It sort of used to work, but the accelerating consciousness of this time has the car going 90, and for that we need to be looking forward.
On the fip side of this tough, dark time is the resurrection of many deep and timeless resources which had been left behind. This is a time when “seed light”, new light, gets re-born.
This new light is like what happens in the Yin-Yang symbol where in the heart of darkness a little dot of seed light is created. The dark gives birth to the new light. It is also like something from the ancient Tibetan tradition that promised when times are dark, hidden valleys of light—called Beyul— would be discovered by those that had the light to see them and the trust to go into them. These places would be invisible to most, but a happy refuge place for those that know the way.
We’re all in tough times now where the body is facing toxic stress never before recorded in human history, the psyche is stretched to the max just to maintain its coping powers, and the soul and spirit are having a hard time, especially feeling isolated and separate from the living organic unity we are part of. All three levels need to be addressed, and handled in the order that the felds offer us.
For myself, its clear that the aloneness is the killer. The more we contract, the more alone we become, the less in contact with the healthy feld of organic unity and the benefcence of the earth under our feet. This is somewhat akin to a stressed cell losing communication with the rest of the body. This existential aloneness can be addressed with light, and light therapies and from the awakening of consciousness that comes as we re- connect with the big felds of Love that are in Organic Unity.
Light can do that, if we offer it respectfully into the felds of consciousness and allow the felds of consciousness to come in tune with our light at their own pace. The felds of consciousness will gladly surrender their poisons and burdens to a resonate presence of light which invited and allowed to do so.
Many people are co-creating new seed light—new ways of bringing light healing to the earth. The Samassati Colortherapy practice is one of them.

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