Page 149 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 149
feld. The consciousness felds are happy to co-operate with us, but only if we offer respect and ask permission frst. Don’t just push photons into his body, frst get permission and then come into the feld slowly and with respect. Let the feld know that you are moving at its pace and in tune with its responses. Offer the coherence of your light and presence to his less coherent pain feld, and let the pain feld come in resonance with the light feld, and invite you in.”
I stood with the light about a meter away from his body and asked our man, “Is this OK for you? He said, “Yes, sure.” I waited with my light until one or both of us could sense and energy shift. Every time there was an energy shift in his feld, I knew that some of the pain feld was back in coherence with a healthy green light, and would then bring the light closer to his body. At the same time, I would ask what is happening to the red pain he experienced. With each melting of the feld, the pain predictably decreased and the red color smoothed out towards a healthy pink.
By the time I was about 8 centimeters away from his body, the pain was “gone,” and the feld a healthy shade of pink. I then asked him to take my hand with the light in it, and bring the green light to where he felt it gave the best effect for his whole body. He held it over the hip joint for a minute, and then brought it up in front of his chest. “It felt good on my hip, but it feels really good right here in front of my chest.”
A minute later we were “done:” pain free, happy, amazed, and somewhat in wonder. Connected again to a basic feld of health and goodness.
All of this by working with the feld of the body, and offering light to it so that the feld had the time it needed and the respect it wanted to come in tune again.
Resources for Healing
An old Samassati maxim: when things get tough, frst turn to reality. Give reality a chance.
Cultivate the resources that come out of getting real.
For the analytic, medical mind, getting real means getting physiological, treating the whole body as a machine which can be