Page 150 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 150

 analyzed, treated, and fxed from exterior resources. This style works great for regressed thinkers. Shrink, reduce, impose, do battle with, conquer or eliminate....all the hallmarks of modern medicine.
Samassati approach is that reality is primarily an open feld of consciousness, and that open feld of consciousness is capable of a zillion kinds of energetic and physical manifestations. These manifestations are not where source level healing begins... or ends.
Source level healing begins with, and ends with....well, Source!
The Field of Organic Unity
According to the insights of Quantum Physics, physical matter is made of 99% open space. The Void!
This open space hosts a variety of energy patterns danced out by photons, electrons, neutrons, quarks, and other subatomic materials which both do and don’t have predicable mass, location, behavior, but do seem to know very well who they are and what they are doing with everybody else. In the chaos there is exquisite patterns of order forming and dissolving and re-forming again. Photons emerge out of the space and disappear regularly back into it, and all with such grace that we see a light beam with no interruptions.
For the purposes of Samassati Colortherapy, the feld of organic unity is where we go for giving our bodies—and everybody else—the respect they need to be our partners in healing.
The key here is recognizing every aspect of us is continually formed and supported by this feld of organic unity. All the vast resources of this feld are available when properly requested.
Constant Creation
The feld of Organic Unity is in constant state of creation and dis-creation. There is nothing solid here.
That means a body, a person is not a noun, —a solid thing—rather we are unfolding events, living verbs. Realizing this is like understanding that a river is not a solid something but really an endless fux of fowing waters.

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