Page 151 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 151

The feld of Organic Unity is an alive state of un-manifest consciousness. This active, resting consciousness is what orchestrates the play of everything in it.
To those that know it, this state of conscious is very intelligent, very blissful, very loving, and both very impersonal and highly adaptive for each and all of its creations.
The three main couriers between the feld of Organic Unity and people are 1) Angels, 2) Light, and 3) Pattern1. These three couriers transfer the endless resources of the open feld into things that we know as solid, with shape, form, density, and shelf life.
Appealing to the intelligence of the Organic Unity is the base point for Samassati work. We embrace teamworking with the Angel teams, use color light to transfer the light energies from the world of endless possibilities to the world of specifc form, and call on the wisdom of Pattern to construct healing atmosphere within which the grace and depth of Organic Unity can manifest.
When we shine light on the body and the felds of consciousness around the body, we are directing the light to co-create with the intelligent, creative felds which are manifesting in physical form as solid objects, solid identifcation patterns. We are offering resonances that invite the unmanifest intelligence to take shape according to the resonant patterns we offer, and in this way come into states of co-creation with the felds of Organic Unity.
1 One good example of Pattern is the Mandala’s of Light that are featured in this article.
Courting the Intelligence of the Body
All of our organs are all stations of transformative intelligence. This intelligence is linked to, and supported by the core intelligence of the feld of Organic Unity. The primary ways the feld of Organic Unity supports the living intelligence is through the light matrix that comes out of it.
In the Samassati approach, the intelligence felds of any organ can be recognized in 3 distinct layers. Spirit. Psyche. Heart.
The Spirit of an organ is the most ephemeral layer, and is connected into the feld of Organic Unity. It easily fies home to the feld of Organic Unity

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