Page 153 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 153
Let’s look at some of the possibilities that come with consciousness and light together.
First, light detoxifes whatever it touches. It takes the poison out of emotion, memories, attitudes, inherited beliefs, and yes, some doctors even use UV light to detoxify rattlesnake poison. Laser light applied to the blood is another example of the power of light to detoxify. As light detoxifes emotional and mental poisons, it enables us to come back to the simple goodness of a relaxed heart.
When we live in a less toxic atmosphere, there is less fear, and a return to a sense of goodness. We expand out of the fght or fight cramp into an adult place which can take responsibility and make choices. When we expand far enough, we lose the crippling sense of isolation that the protection system re-enacts at every opportunity. In light we know we are not alone or abandoned or forgotten. It’s not how the universe is made. Even if it sometimes feels that way. Further, light comes from Source directly, and links us back to Source any time we come into the experience of
2 When we reach out one hand to the pain side and see what it has to offer, and reach out the other hand to our light to see what it has for us today, I often playfully think of this as a modern version of the Buddhist Bhikku monks who go through the villages with an empty bowl and receive the nourishment that the community wants to offer that day. In our modern version, we reach out to see what the light wants to put in our bowl today.
Beyond Seriousness...Seriously!
A second resource that opens through light is non-seriousness. Light is fundamentally non-serious. It doesn’t know the heaviness of chronic suffering or the density of repressed emotion. It hums along, in and out of existence, playing probability games with electrons and unformed events in open space, weaving between form (photons) and wave function, without a whole lot of worry or existential crisis about do I exist or not? Photons go in and out of existence so many times in a single minute that they forgot what it’s like to be afraid of death. Or anything else, for that matter. “Am I a wave or a particle? What if nobody sees me? I have been journeying millions of light years....will they like me when I get there?” Since it travels at the speed of light, it doesn’t even worry about getting old. Just