Page 155 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 155

 paint when they paint the halo over the head of saints. The light forms. The standing felds of consciousness and the waves of light that make these standing felds. In my previous book,Light the Master Matrix,3 I demonstrate that the light felds around the body carry our basic information patterns that tell us who we are, how to think, what life is all about. These information felds have electromagnetic potentials which convey information directly into the body without going through the brain and nervous system. The electromagnetic felds have a wi-f system going straight to the DNA in cells.
Kirlian photography shows that strong events in the body mind are projected into the auric feld. The body is continually broadcasting light patterns that refect the events inside it. In real time view, the aura is a dancing phenomenon, much like the northern lights in the arctic skies. Flickering and dancing. However, the projections from chronic events into the auric feld will remain there, and act as information patterns that program the new 10 million cells that are forming every day. These patterns will also give us the familiar sense of
“self”. When we live inside an auric pattern long enough, we just assume that this is who we are.
Shining light into the auric feld can, if properly applied, clear away dysfunctional or toxic information patterns, and free the cells from creating anew from these dysfunctional patterns.4 Clearing the debris out of the auric felds will also give the psyche a chance to discover its true, original self again.
3 The Master Matrix is not currently in print, but is available as a pdf download from Nishant Matthews.
4 Please see: Light The Master Matrix from Nishant Matthews if you want more detailed information here.
A third resource that light brings is the ability of one light to turn on other lights. Resonance is the key here. Light carries frequency resonances which awaken and tune up other objects in the light feld. When we resonate in tune with the light that comes our way, some of our inner light awakens. Our inner light is probably our strongest asset in dealing with challenges. The light within us will encourage the optimal functioning of all our physical systems, including whatever ones are sick or wounded. It will

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