Page 156 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 156

 optimize the harmony of all our psychological systems as well. It gives us a rod of spiritual connection right in the center of our Being. This rod of spiritual connection reminds us of our fundamental consciousness. This core consciousness has no marks on it, carries no history or wounds, and still breathes in tune with the universal Source. In fact, like a star in the sky, the light inside us knows that we are an extension of the universal Source, created by it, lifted up by it, nourished by it, and returning back into it at the right time.
The light inside us will resonate other lights to turn on. One of the strongest powers of Conscious Medicine is to awaken the light inside us (which, like starlight, is always whole, no matter what journey we have been on), and to address any and all adversaries with, “The light in me is calling the light in you.” This is our personal light saber in action: “The light in me is calling the light in you.”
Remember, for conscious beings, who calls them and the way you address them makes all the difference. You can say what you want to a car, and mostly know that it will still run ok. Machines are like that. Try saying careless remarks to your cat or your wife or yourself, and you will suddenly get the picture. When you are uncaring towards others, a similar response will come back.
For dealing with the bigger issues in life, if you contract and return to feeling yourself as a regressed scared child, and you can expect not much co-operation comes back. The universe is not built to support the resonance of adults pretending to be hurt children. In contrast, try plan B. Stand in your place as a conscious adult, open into a bigger heartfeld, and see what happens then. When your heartfeld is big and centered, there is light. The light in you will call out the light in others. This is how you can magnetize the world around you.
Conscious beings respond to who addresses them and how you address them. All of them. With light calling light, you have a chance to bring out the best in everybody. That includes all of your body, as well as all of the inhabitants of your body, of which there are many!
“The light in me is calling the light in you” approach stands at the polar opposite to the fght-to –the-death approach that comes from aggression in service of fear. Remember, everything in our bio-community has consciousness, right down to the cells and microorganisms that we share space with. When we align ourselves with light, and call the light in the other to also manifest, this appeals to all of us to release out of the darkness of mutual destruction and come into a more optimal, mutually benefcial connection. The light within everyone and everything is meant to mutually

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