Page 157 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 157

 enhance each other, to actually contribute to the well-being of all. That’s the spirit of light and what light does.
The natural enemy of light is not darkness. It is density. Dense forms block light. This is where we lose light. We create density in the form of physical contraction, mental contraction, visual feld contractions, emotional contracting, and attitudes of seriousness.
In times of trouble, we contract and contain
tissue disturbances, seal off places of
aggravation and isolate them. With the
physical contractions come the walls of
psychological forts. That has its value as a short-term emergency measure. However what stays trapped inside the dense protection patterns will not heal until the protections are released to a point where photons and other forms of electromagnetic energies can fow through. These will bring the necessary information and energy to the cells that need repairing or restoring.
Similarly, psychological density will act in much the same way. The more psychologically shielded a person is, the less is the possibility of light getting into the wounded aspects that need it. Seriousness turns a spacious mind into a very dense phenomenon. The more seriousness there is, the less light you will fnd. The more commitment to dissociation and heavy feelings of anger and fear and hurt there is, the less light will be able to penetrate and heal what is inside.
Human beings are masters of protection. That is also why human beings are masters of living a whole life and not growing up.
In the Samassati style of work, we simply bring light to what is available. We take whatever is offered and bring light to it. The light we offer can come from many different sources: our own internal light of consciousness, the light that is available in the clients, and also external sources of light that are applied with a clear intention. The resonance feld of light will always bring changes to what it touches. Light is not a mechanical push and pull form of medicine (although it has the capacity to work that way if we want it to.) Light addresses consciousness through attunement and invitation. A healthy frequency contacts a frozen or disharmonious energy

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