Page 158 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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pattern. Sooner or later, the frozen will begin melting and unfolding. As it does, it also begins to vibrate in tune with the healthy energy. This dance continues as the two come in tune with each other, and the unhealthy regains its natural healthy vibratory state.
Light, like consciousness, is alchemical in its contact. It invites tensions, emotions, identity patterns, beliefs, and more to unwind, to unfold with acceptance and encouragement. Our light saber is non-aggression, rather a clear, simple commitments to re-tuning to the healthy vibrations of light and the resources that these healthy vibrations will evoke.
The New Way
In the presence of light, the dense will become more spacious. The dark will become more light. The true (apparently true) will become more true, more real. You can count on it. The heart that is touched by light will relax and expand. Like ice melting and pooling. The feld of the heart will expand and include more, will be in contact with a fuller experience of life. Heart’s intelligence centers will have the space to operate as they are meant to. Through feeling, contact, receptivity and more.
As the heart relaxes and expands, it becomes a bigger home for your personal Spirit. The Spirit that lives in a tight, immature heart is hardly active and barely present. As the heart truly expands, spirit lands again and takes its real place. This is what we need to shift from victim mentality to conscious creators.
Again, consciousness responds to who is addressing it and how. When the spirit of our heart addresses the world around, it magnetizes an equally conscious response. Things happen. A healthy frequency contacts a frozen or disharmonious energy pattern. Sooner or later, the frozen will begin melting and unfolding. As it does, it also begins to vibrate in tune with the healthy energy. This dance continues as the two come in tune with each other, and the unhealthy regains its natural healthy vibratory state. The whole world is richer for it.
In this time of huge evolution on planet earth, we really are in a make or break place. We need to take personal and collective steps forward. Going back to the past isn’t going to cut it. We need to fnd a truly new way. A