Page 159 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 159

 way that is in tune with the bigger felds of consciousness which hold us all. For mechanical things, a mechanical approach works just fne. For living systems, and the consciousness inside those living system, a mechanical approach won’t get very far. Heart, light, spirit and connection are available to guide us into the next step forward. Into living in a world of resonance.
The light in me is calling the light in you....the light in you is calling the light in me. This is how we will fnd a new way.
Diana’s Story
When Ben called, I knew the answer already. “Yes.”
Ben was a widely respected psychotherapist, author, and friend. He told me he had a client who had suffered a stroke and lost her ability to speak and move normally. She was quite depressed. Wanted to die, but scared of going. Ben said, “Is there any way that you and your light can help her? She is a dear soul and seems to be stuck in something that we can’t get her out of.”
Even over the phone, I could see the sparkle in Ben’s eyes as he invited me to do the impossible. He liked that kind of thing.
We met at Diana’s house fve days later. On the doorstep, Ben said, “I told her you help people to relax. She was amenable to some help there. I know that she has been quite torn up inside ever since her stroke. She used to be quite active, and now she can’t do much. Not many people come by, and the only way she can communicate with other people is by writing on a chalk board. Good luck.”
When we were inside, Ben introduced me to Diana as someone who used color light therapy. She looked me over, and then wrote “OK....whatever.”
I asked her to close her eyes for a minute or two. I sat still, and asked my Team for guidance. Nothing in my training had been about working with stroke combined with depression. I waited to get a feel for Diana’s spirit and what the light team wanted to offer her.
Then it all clicked. I got up and stood a meter behind her and offered blue light and calming intention in the direction of her occiput. The idea was to

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