Page 152 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 152

 when things on the home planet get too tough. Spirit is where we link earth reality to all the resources of Organic Unity, so it’s an important player to have on the team and in good shape. Spirit level energy is also where Angels are most real.
Psyche...or mind...of the organ is the feld of mental constructs—ideas, attitudes, beliefs-- that this organ holds. Attitudes from the whole person, attitudes from the family, outlook on life, decisions about how to process the events of life are all in the psyche. Often you will fnd “memories” in the mind part of the feld, and these include memories of invasions from pathogens, toxicity, and other disrupting agents. These memories will last even after the pathogens are neutralized, something like the mental equivalent of scars.
The organs are notorious for their long memory. The consciousness felds around our organs shape the functioning of the body, even when the original abuse and toxins are no longer physically present.
Heart of an organ is the core transforming feld, the one that carries the will to live, the will to create, the will to contribute, the will to offer love and other positive manifestations. Typically, the heart is strong in early life, but a negative mind and absence of spirit will eventually erode its base and the heart will lose its noble side. Also, the heart will lose out when it is forced to be in a group (think family, nation, relationship) which runs mostly on negative energy and doesn’t recognize or support the positive. When the heart is supported by the presence of Spirit,
and the mind feld is relatively open, then the heart is abundant, generous, and a very sturdy, reliable source of healing energy.
These three layers can be addressed through any of the portal points to the organs such as acupuncture points, chakras, hand points, ear points, and other refexology zones on the face, head, and feet. Working with these portal points is the main base of Samassati Colortherapy.
Consciousness and Light
Consciousness and light are a team made in heaven. Literally. Light is more than happy to follow human intention, as is testifed to by the hundred different styles of light therapy available today.

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