Page 148 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 148

 The Demo at the Conference
Recently I was at a conference of professionals working with color light therapy for vision improvement.
I was teaching that people are much more than just physical forms, that we are living felds of consciousness that extend far off the body and have connections (like the invisible roots of a tree) that extend into big felds of healing resources, when we know how to go there.
I asked for a volunteer from the audience, and a middle-aged man came to the front. He said he was having pain in his leg, mostly focused around the hip.
My professional healing side said to me, “Likely a gall bladder issue that is manifesting on the meridian that goes through the out hip.” For that I would usually recommend some diet adjustments and homeopathy for liver and gall bladder support.
In this case, though, as we were at a conference on light, I simply asked him, “What color is that pain around your hip?”
He thought for a minute, and came back with “A red pain. Not bright red, more a dull red, but it changes when the pain changes and can pulse up with the pain.”
Since the antidote to red pain is green light, and also since the gall bladder settles with green light, I took out my Molimed light, with a crystal tip on the end of it, and said to the group, “Let’s see his pain here as a manifestation of a upset feld of consciousness. Something disturbed, lacking coherence. That disturbance likely has physical issues, like something from the food or water is stressing out the gall bladder, and also like has psychological impressions in it, most of them what I would call inherited anger at injustices in the world, and also has spiritual issues, like a sense of being unsupported and disconnected from Source level energy.’
‘You can just put green light on his hip, or shine green light into some of the portal points on the gall bladder meridian, but if you want to work with the felds, you have to approach a little more respectfully.
To do this, frst fnd out how big this disturbance feld is—in this case about 1 meter off the body—and ask permission to shine this green light into the

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