Page 180 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 180

 The colors were assigned places in the table with the restrictions that they could not be in the same place on successive administrations nor could they occur next to the same colors as in the previous administrations. In asking the individuals to select the colors, I requested that they forget about their favorite colors, and instead to look at the colors being presented and select the colors that stood out and attracted their attention. The PHQ-9 (Kroenke, 1999) was used as a measure for depression; the NEO PI-R (Costa& McCrae, 2017), and the MCMI-R (Millon, 1987) were used for personality measures. In each study the individuals completed only one of the measures.
Following the signing of the consent form as part of the intake process, individuals were asked if they were currently receiving treatment for any psychological problems or had been recently diagnosed as having emotional problem. Individuals who denied being in treatment or having a current diagnosis were classifed as “normal”. All individuals completed the color selection task and then one of the personality tests. When the data was analyzed, we found that the average percentage of red, green and blue of the colors selected by the “normal” individuals were red = 30%; green = 35% and blue 35 %.
It was during this time that I read in Lüscher’s book (1971) where he reported that his color test was valid with color-blind individuals because they responded to the contrast or the brightness of the colors rather than the colors per se. To explore this further I found the formula on the internet where
brightness = sqrt ( .241 R2 + .691 G2 + .068 B2 ) (Dobovizki, 2006).
This formula is purported to calculate the perceived brightness of a color. When I found this, I reanalyzed my data and I found that the green color selected was positively correlated (r=.657, p=.000) with the perceived brightness while blue was negatively correlated with it (r=-.641, p=.000). The correlation of red with brightness was not signifcant (r=0.34, p=.419).

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