Page 182 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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 spotlights were red 660, green 550 and blue 450. The individuals sat in a recliner in a room alone and were bathed with the lights for 30 minutes. If they wore glasses they were instructed to remove them during the session. Each individual did the color selection task at the beginning of the session and the colors delivered were based on the percentages of red, green, and blue and the perceived brightness score. Prior to beginning the series of sessions, the individuals completed one of the personality tests. The individuals contracted for ten sessions but frequently were experiencing signifcant improvement after fve or six sessions.
One hundred thirty-nine individuals completed six sessions. The following graph plots the pre- and post-measures on the MCMI-III R. The lower scores graphed in blue refect improvement.
It is estimated that 7.1% of all adults In the U.S. have experienced a major depressive episode in the past year (NIMH,2017). According to the World Health organization (2017), 322million people worldwide have depression. They estimate that fewer than half of those affected in the world receive treatment and in many countries, fewer than 10% receive treatment. We may not know of the personal devastation caused to the individuals and their families from depression, but depression is a major health concern that is expanding.
For several years, bright white light has been one of the modalities used to treat depression in the U.S. In my work with clients I found that using color light produced much faster responses. Much research needs to be done to learn how different wave lengths of light interact with the body, but I believe that color light therapy will be a major therapeutic modality in future health care.
A number of companies are now making LED bulbs that can generate numerous colors and they ft regular in electrical sockets. They can be used with computers, cell phones or Bluetooth hand-

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