Page 233 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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chakras, or the Central pillar walls showcasing man’s communion with nature and earth, symbolism is used throughout to speak beyond words to man’s relationship with the cosmos.
“We need a spirituality that emerges out of a reality deeper than ourselves, a spirituality that is as deep as the Earth process itself, a spirituality born out of the solar system and even out of the heavens beyond the solar system. For it is in the stars that the primordial elements take shape in both their physical and psychic aspects. Out of these elements the solar system and Earth took shape, and out of Earth, ourselves.”
– Thomas Berry (“The Spirituality of the Earth,” in The Sacred Universe, 74)
Symbolism provides a compendium of universal knowledge that is timeless and eternal of what has not
only been learned, but has endured from individual and collective experience over the annals of time.
Patterns are the foundation of all levels of manifestation becoming more brilliantly complex at higher levels of creation. From a more evolved place, one can go beyond the enigmatic nature of dualistic thinking. John Randolph Price says, "The only problem you face in life is the belief in separation from Source. Solve that one and all the other ones will vanish."
The Soularium provides a soul experience that allows you to transcend the ordinary and realize the interconnectedness with the oneness of life which, in short, is the alchemical process.
4. Elements of the Alchemy
The elements that make up the Soularium work together as a symphony to orchestrate a physical space, journey, and experience that is spatial, sensory, and immersive.
• Dome
• Multimedia Projection
• Light Shower Pods
• Horizon Hammocks
• Central Pillar