Page 246 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 246
Photo by Harry Quan on Unsplash
Colour can be used as a medium or tool for practitioners to identify what is bothering clients as well as a way to transform and create wellness.
Nearly 20 years ago I developed the Colour Comfort Method. The Colour Comfort Method is a unique combination of colour therapy and body-mind analysis. I learned ‘body-reading’ and ‘face-reading’ from Hermann Müller of the ‘Psychosomatic Therapy College’ in Australia and realised that if I not only look at my client’s colour choices but also where on the body specifc colours are used, it would give insight on a deeper level.
Using colour as a medium to show clients their strengths, talents and challenges through a simple question; “What colours are you wearing today and which colours have you stopped, started wearing in the past or have never worn?” This Method has nothing to do with fashion, skin tones and what looks good or not. I chose personal choices in clothing because that is the daily colour choice we make, often subconsciously and this is a refection of how we feel at a certain point in time.
We have positive and negative events happening in our lives that shape us and at the same time changes our colour choices. The Colour Comfort Method shows clients who they are today and which colours can support them to utilize all their talents, especially the ones that have been undeveloped or dormant. The colours that are missing are refecting the client’s challenges and by asking the client to choose one or two colours and start integrating these colours, allows them to overcome the negative emotion or hurt related to this colour.