Page 248 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 248
Psychology of Colour and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). Every practitioner can simply ask their client 5 questions, and the client answers these questions by choosing a colour. The Colournostics book will reveal what the meaning of the chosen colours is and the practitioner knows within minutes what the problem is and what is blocking their client from moving forward and what their client wants to achieve.
Two things happen in this process. First, the practitioner has a deeper insight into their client and can work more effciently with their own modality to help their client. Secondly, the client has experienced a true shift in emotion and can see the light at the end of the tunnel and a solution. Again, colour is used to identify the issue and at the same time surface the answers that lie hidden in one’s subconscious.
Colournostics is a system of interpreting the negative and positive properties of each colour. Combined with NLP it re-programmes and changes thoughts, emotions and behaviour in a gentle and almost playful way.
When clients are in pain it is often a signal of the body that there is an imbalance. My training with the late Hermann Müller of the ‘Psychosomatic Therapy College’ in Australia taught me that there are often unresolved emotional issues that create symptoms. The language of colour can again give insight into these emotions.
The practitioner can ask the client to ‘feel’ the pain and give this pain a colour. Other questions to ask relate to when the pain started, a week ago, 4 months ago or how many years ago. Through reading the negative emotions and thoughts on card 2 of the chosen colour in the Colournostics manual, the client can identify what was happening, and what they were feeling and thinking when the physical symptoms began. Through recognising one or more sentences in the book, the clients gets new insight and understanding of the causes of their symptom.
The practitioner can now read the positive (card 4) aspects of the opposite colour which will give their client new and empowering thoughts and emotions related to their issue.
Some clients have felt instant relief of their symptom once it has been interpreted via their colour choices. Others need some time to actually make the positive new thoughts and behaviour their own. The interesting thing is that as soon as colour has shown you the interrelated circumstances and causes, you cannot ‘not know it’ anymore.
Colour doesn’t beat around the bush, on the contrary it gives an honest and to-the-point summary of the issue. All our colour choices refect something