Page 252 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 252
to have faith and trust in yourself and the future.
People who have stopped wearing this colour often reveal that their trust in someone or something has been betrayed, leaving them anxious and stressed because they fnd it diffcult to trust people or life in general.
By introducing blue again it can support you to trust that your message will be understood by others, and you can communicate with authority and diplomacy. Blue clothing also portrays confdence and invites people to confde in you.
We see this colour being worn by people in all sorts of professions where trust is of great importance, such as police offcers, customs offcers, frefghters and bank tellers.
White is a colour that refects openness. You can compare it to a blank sheet of paper, where all possibilities are open. White can support you to start with a clean slate and can give you clarity of direction. White will also help you to be open minded to new directions and ideas with an optimistic view, and it can give you the freedom to be independent. White gives a fresh, clean and innovative image. The
company Apple uses white to give this image of innovation.
It is also the colour of healing the past, and moving on with new inner wisdom, which is why it’s associated with being spiritual.
There are people who will never wear this colour because of an earlier experience in life. Most of the time they have experienced a situation where they felt excluded from the group; this can be family , school, friends, work etc. Subconsciously they decided to ‘dim’ their uniqueness and try to blend in and not stand out. Instead of choosing the colour white they feel more at ease by wearing black, grey or brown.
Photo by christian buehner on Unsplash