Page 253 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 253
The colour green is in the middle of the colour spectrum and has a balancing, healing and calming effect, representing peace and harmony. Green is also the colour for knowing and following your heart’s desires. In my work as a colour interpreter, I come across many clients who fnd it diffcult to actually live according to their heart’s desires. Often, they will not give themselves the ‘green light’ to go forward.
If we apply the law of nature to ourselves, because we are part of nature, we have to realize that within each of us is an abundance of talents, strengths, options and possibilities that need to be nurtured. We need to enhance our balance, hope, and growth, and the colour green can help us with that.
Whenever you start wearing green, it signifes that you are giving yourself the space to be yourself, and to grow on an emotional and spiritual level and follow your own heart’s desires instead of what is expected of you by others. When you do this, people see that it’s time for them to set new healthy boundaries in their relationships, which then become a healthier balance of give and take.
There are seeds of creativity, inspiration, and ideas within each of us. Green gives you the ‘green light’ to allow these seeds to grow so you can feed and help others. You only need one little seed to grow a tree with many fruits.