Page 255 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 255
The colour indigo, or navy blue, will assist you when you need focus, discipline, and clarity of direction. This colour communicates a message of being organized, of
possessing self-
discipline, being professional and responsible. It is no coincidence that most pilot and police uniforms are navy blue. It communicates trust, discipline and authority. Navy blue suits are often worn in the corporate world and governments.
Photo by Marijn Haverkamp on Unsplash
Black, while being seen as a sophisticated and classy colour, also communicates a message of “don’t come too close; just let me do my own thing!”. It is no surprise that some teenagers will go through a ‘black phase’ where they only want to wear black. They are communicating that they are
determined to be in control of their own lives and detach from their parents’ infuence.
Black is a great colour to wear when you just want to hide away, and do not want to stand out or be noticed. On the other hand, it also signifes a strong-minded individual who wants to carve out their path with no interference from others. The properties found in black effectively create a barrier between you and anyone else. When wearing black, you are very diffcult to read; the barrier created reveals nothing about your emotions or personality, creating a certain amount of mystery about you.
Photo by sobhan joodi on Unsplash