Page 257 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 257
Photo by Mon Petit Chou Photography on Unsplash
Grey is a neutral colour; it expresses neutrality and impartiality. It is not an emotional colour. The colour grey is the symbolic colour of our brain cells, and grey stands for precision because it acts mainly from the intellect. Grey also stands for intelligence, wisdom, effciency, great self-control and fair judgment. In addition, grey can be related to quality, straight-forwardness and professionalism, where things can be thought through in a step-by- step pragmatic way.
Grey also expresses wisdom. When people get older and wiser, they get grey hair, representing the experiences and wisdom of the years gone by. People who love the colour grey tend to think in a structured and practical way, without emotional attachment. without emotional involvement. They approach life and its problems in a professional and methodical manner.