Page 256 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 256

Why do you think traffc signs, sticky notes, highlighters and school buses are often yellow? The colour is shouting “Pay attention! Be alert!!”. Yellow can help you be more focused and clear-minded; it is a great colour to help with concentration. Yellow is also the colour of joy, happiness, fun, optimism, enthusiasm and confdence. It is
the colour of the sun, our source of life, energy and light.
Yellow is bright and uplifting, and it can help you overcome anxiety and fear. It can support you in feeling more optimistic about life, more positive, confdent and enthusiastic. True joy and happiness can only be experienced when there is no fear or confusion. Y ellow also stimulates logical thinking and brainwork, increasing self-control and an optimistic attitude.
Photo by Mariya Georgieva on Unsplash
You can gradually start your journey with yellow by walking outdoors, enjoying the sun and yellow fowers. You can eat yellow fruits and vegetables or paint a wall yellow. Also wear this colour as a blouse, T-shirt, top or shirt; this will infuence your own emotions and also the message you are giving to others around you. Remember, the colour yellow demands attention; it takes confdence to wear this colour because you will be noticed!
In colour therapy, soft pink is associated with unconditional love. Unconditional love, surpassing judgement and criticism, is the strongest love there is! In today’s world men too are now experiencing a freedom to show more of their emotional and vulnerable nature. The idea that men shouldn’t cry or not talk about their feelings is from the past.
It is interesting though that people who just don’t like this colour will often have painful childhood memories where they didn’t feel safe or had no space to actually be a child. Some kids had to grow up fast and look after their parents or siblings or there was no care and tenderness. It can also signify that it’s time to stop being the parent for everyone in your circle and take time to focus on meeting your own needs.

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