Page 28 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 28
• Six out of eleven (54 %) had a maximum Visual Field of Awareness restricted to less than ten degrees on one or more colour and for one or more eye. Only two students had a feld as large as 15%, and then only with one eye.
• Only 8 out of 12 (66%) were able to complete the full VFA testing for all colours.
When there are no uncompensated visual acuity problems such poor results are indicative of visual stress.
The visual felds assessment records the points, measured in degrees from a focus point, at which the colour of a target is identifed by a participant as it moves in from the periphery. Four colours are used – red, green, blue and white on each of seven meridians.
Each eye was tested separately but only at the Before and After therapy stages.
This raw data (not shown in this article) was tabulated and used to calculate the effective solid angle area in steradians for each colour, for each eye, and for each student at both the before and after therapy stages.
Only 8 out of 12 participants were able to complete the full VFA testing for all colours. For these Visual Field Area averages of the four colour felds for each eye and each student were also calculated as were the percentage improvement in Visual Field Area, by Participant and Colour. (not shown)
Participant Visual Fields maximum and minimum results, pre and post therapy. Larger numbers are better.