Page 29 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 29
The table below indicates the signifcant improvements seen in the students Visual Fields of Awareness.
Visual Field for a group of 11 out of 12 students.
The twelfth was not co-operative so no results were available.
Following AIT and LWS therapies it can be seen that only one student had a minimum feld size less than three degrees and six students now had maximum feld sizes of ffteen degrees or more.
A Group Average improvement was calculated for the 8 out of 12 participants able to complete the full VFA testing for all colours. This data is shown graphically.
Representing Size of Visual Field of Awareness for the Left and Right Eyes for 8 out of 12 participants During and
After LWS Therapy. A Higher score here (bigger bar) represents an improvement.
An expanded Visual Field also allows more light to be absorbed to drive the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) which can have a benefcial impact on many other elements of sensory integration and performance. Because of the square law effect apparently small increases of visual feld angle can result in large changes in the functional feld area as can be seen above. These improvements can make visually related tasks easier and one student specifcally commented that his vision had improved. Two others reported improvements in reading ability.