Page 52 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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 on Auricular Therapy. I wanted to meet with him to talk about my observations. We had been exchanging e-mails about the results I was getting. We met to talk about this with the objective to try and come up with a protocol, and to standardize a method for the treatment of psychological trauma, or “psychic scar”, as he calls it. We agreed on naming it with the title above and to use the acronym CATP.
To my great surprise, and with his usual generosity and unselfshness, he invited me to give a lecture, including a practical experience, at his seminar, so that I could show the Brazilian therapists attending the seminar, the details of the procedure and explain the neurobiological mechanics underlying trauma. After my lecture I asked for a volunteer with an unresolved traumatic experience.
Only one doctor raised his hand and came to the front to tell his dramatic story. In January 2000, his wife had been robbed and killed (her throat had been cut) in Rio de Janeiro; six months later his daughter-in-law had stabbed his son to death; he had been distanced from his son because he had strongly opposed to that relationship. He began to cry convulsively while telling the story and recalling his son’s image. I painted the dots I detected in the left lobe. After a minute he breathed deeply, he was visibly calmer; he said the image had faded and that he felt more serene. The next morning, he told me that that night he had slept as he hadn’t had for a long time.
Curiously, at the same seminar there was a doctor who practiced EMDR and I recommended treatment with that technique to conclude the reprocessing of the residual trauma. In December of the same year I received a mail from this colleague which I transcribe bellow (TN: the original edition includes the original version in Portuguese and its translation into Spanish):
“Dear Daniel,
First of all, I apologize for taking so long to reply to your mail. That day at the conference I had the impression you were talking directly to me when you asked if someone would volunteered to...., I think it’s unnecessary to repeat it. It was extremely diffcult and asphyxiating to have to talk about things that had brought me so much pain.
I’m not sure what happened exactly, but after all that anguish and extreme pain, I felt a sensation of peace and calm. I must confess I was embarrassed to lose control but I couldn’t help it. I would like to know more about this; because even though I feel much better I still feel a kind of guilt for the losses I suffered, particularly in relation to my son; it is as if I could not take care of the precious gift that had been entrusted to me. Still, I feel much better. I apologize if I am talking too much and thank you so much for caring for me.
A fraternal hug, Claudio”
Further information:

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