Page 50 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 50
Case 2- SONIA
Case Summary: Sonia Z., 32 years old, morning headaches, cervical pain and anxiety. She’d been prescribed clonazepan for the anxiety and pain killers. She also suffered from vertigo and a frequent tightening sensation in her chest.
During our frst interview she mentioned that in 2003 the food had hit her workplace (a small ground foor shop where she worked with her mother and above which she had her home, upstairs, in the same building). Months after this tragedy she started experiencing headaches, cervical pain, anxiety and a feeling of numbness on the left half of her body. She’d had clinical tests and no physical pathology had been found.
In this frst meeting I found pain in response to cervical palpation and a marked manifestation of nocturnal bruxism, which explained the morning pains. I suggested we went over the traumatic event and she accepted. I frst explored both ear lobes, both painful (the left one more so); I asked her to recall the most dramatic moment of the fooding. She described that at one point she was waist deep in the water. She had been with her aunt, her mother and her 3-month old baby. At that point they all made the decision that she should leave with her baby while her aunt and mother went to the top foor. While telling this she referred a deep sadness at abandoning her mother (her mother had survived) se reported a SUD of 10 points. She started to cry clenching her teeth. At that point I examined the left lobe painful points again and marked them with a yellow felt tip marker. After one minute the image, together with her facial and body tension had completely disappeared. Her SUD had gone to 0.
One week later she was practically without pain and her symptoms had gone. She gradually started to leave the medication. The last offcial control for this pathology was performed 4 months after our meeting; but she continued to come to sessions, sporadically, when she felt slight anxiety or mild pain. However, she could never recall that very painful initial image again.
Case 3- José
Case Summary: José J. 49 years old, a police chief in a suburban area. He came to see me at the insistence of a work colleague. He had been experiencing intense dorsal pain between the shoulder blades which radiated to his right side.
In the frst session he mentioned the traumatic death by suicide of his 19- year old son (who had shot himself) in June 2006. On the day of his son’s burial, after returning from the cemetery, he had started to frantically dig ditches in his back yard until, exhausted, he had fnally gone to bed. The next morning he had woken up with this terrible dorsal pain which