Page 49 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 49

 time he had received medical attention nothing could be done, as the bean had become so enlarged by absorbed humidity.
3rd Trauma: the death of a 6-day old son (3 months premature); 15 years before; probably due to pulmonary underdevelopment as he had passed away while connected to a mechanical ventilator.
4th Trauma: year 2003 food.
I suggested her to address whatever trauma she considered more painful frst and she chose the death of her 3-year old son. I then started ear lobe palpation,fndingpaininbothlobes. However, the pain was more intense in the left ear. I asked her to remember and concentrate on the most painful image with her eyes closed. She said it was the moment her son passed away in her arms (she extended both arms) and she started to cry. I asked her to tell me what words came to mind with that image and she said: “Why? Why? I palpated the left lobe again; the pain had become more intense when tested with the round-tip probe. I marked the points that corresponded to the image with yellow points: the limbic area and the psychological trauma scar at the edge of the lobe (as described by Nogier); and I waited for a minute; always asking her to hold on to the image. After a few seconds she said: “I had been angry with God, but I went back to church two years ago”. I let another minute pass and I asked about the image: it had gone. Her arms were more relaxed. I asked her how she felt and she said she felt more serene and was clearly accepting her life circumstances. At this point the session ended.
When she returned a week later, the pain had decrease in over 80%. I asked her how she felt about her son’s death, she manifested resignation; she had trouble recalling the previous session’s painful image. I then suggested the same process to work the traumatic experience of her mother leaving her. She accepted and told me that when she was older, and a mother herself, she had been to see her mother and that she had rejected her; that her mother literally screamed to her face that she had been “a curse in her life”. I repeated the procedure asking her to focus on that image, for which she reported to feel a 10 in the SUD scale. I palpated the left lobe and marked the same points. After one minute the image had disappeared and the crying had ceased.
I saw her again two weeks later and asked her to try and remember her mother’s image and she said: “I don´t feel sad anymore, she just said that because she was so ignorant”. She added that she wanted to put that behind her. I asked her about the pain in her arms and it had completely gone.
In the 2-month follow up, pain had not returned. She remains, to this day, more relaxed and trying to losing weight and working. I asked if she wanted to work with the memories of the other deceased son and the fooding and she said both things “had passed”.

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