Page 47 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
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dozens of dead and devastating sequels for the whole population in every aspect: emotional, psychological and material. Several people who had lost their homes came to my practice, years later, experiencing different issues, but mainly chronic pain and other somatic and psycho-emotional symptoms. I realized these symptoms were due to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) diagnosis. I used EMDR protocols jointly with the above described chromo therapy treatment (the application of yellow on the tender auricular points) and the results were really satisfactory, not to say amazing. All patients experienced improvement; their levels of anxiety and accompanying physical symptoms dropped after just one minute of treatment.
I treated over 30 patients with PTSD related to the food. However, I also treated many patients with PTSD due to all kinds of trauma and these experiences were equally successful. I just need to add that the results of these experiences were sustained over time. I followed up on all my patients’ cases for some months (in some cases for over a year); and over 80% referred it was almost impossible for them to recall the traumatic image.
Protocol for the treatment of psychological trauma with Auricular Chromo Therapy
Based on EMDR protocol
Authors: Dr. Daniel Asis – Dr. Raphäel Nogier Dr. Federico Zarragoicochea
1. Both ear lobes are palpated, searching for tender points in either or both of them, trying to identify the most painful ear lobe.
2. The patients are asked to fnd the most important, painful image which represents this psychological trauma. They are asked to concentrate on this image with their eyes closed.
3. They are asked to describe the emotions that appear together with the image, and to report the intensity of their Subjective Units of Disturbance (SUD) in a scale from 0 to 10.
4. The patients are asked to observe which words or negative thoughts are associated to the traumatic image (Negative Cognition).
5. The patient is requested to detect where in the body, they feel this emotion.
6. After a minute, palpation is repeated on the most painful lobe to test for pain increase and search for painful points with a round edge probe (it can be as simple as the tip of a match; a pressure probe or an electric probe).
7. Marking the point/s identifed (no more than 2 or 3) with a yellow