Page 59 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 59

 Newton sought to develop a mathematical model for the behaviour of light. His and his successor´s theory was based on excluding the colour seeing faculty of the eye. His theory earned a lot of recognition in the year 1704, when he launched his fndings, long before Goethe published his Farbenlehre in 1810.
Darkness: Spectrum:
Particle or wave? Colour wheel:
Newton 1704
white light is composed of coloured elements, heterogenous
darkness is absence of light
colours are famed out of light acc. to their refrangibility
asymmetric 7 colours
Goethe 1810
Light is simplest, most undivided thing, homogenous{
darkness is polar and interacts with light
coloured edges appear at light dark borders, form a spectrum
neither, not observed with senses
symmetric 6 colours
Goethe´s “sensual-moral effect” of colour
Goethe himself stated that his Farbenlehre has been the only achievement of his life he takes pride in. Most remarkable is the part of his oeuvre called “sinnlich - sittliche Wirkung ”, sensual - moral effect, in which Goethe observes the effect of colours on the “Gemüt” - our mind.{

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