Page 60 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 60
As an extraordinary man of letters and poet, he had the ability to write about colours in exquisite words. Here are some beautiful statements on colour, translated from German:
“People generally experience a great delight in colour. The eye requires it as much as it requires light.”
“Yellow is the colour nearest to light. In its highest purity it always carries with it the nature of brightness and has a serene, gay, softly exciting character.”{
“In looking steadfastly at a perfect yellow-red surface, the colour seems to actually penetrate the organ.”
“As Yellow is always accompanied with light, so it may be said, that blue still brings a principle of darkness with it.“{
The polemics Goethe conducted against Newton’s theory, that was already established, clearly derogated his entire work on colour. The approaches of Goethe and Newton have been very different - maybe complementary, as Newton was using the left side of his brain more and Goethe the right side. Interesting to combine the fndings of both extraordinary men, which can bring us closer to the phenomenon of light and colour. Still, we can state that Goethe laid the foundation for modern color psychology.
Goethe´s last words are said to have been “More light! “{
Rudolf Steiner´s Color Theory
Rudolf Steiner, building on the achievements of Goethe, aimed to explain in his colour theory that colour has a hidden nature, which we can discover, when we develop a sensitivity to working within feelings. He presents Goethe´s light and dark spectra adding green and magenta in his colour circle.
He distinguishes between “image“ and “luster“ colours, shows how colour affects us in many areas of life like health, sense of well-being, architecture, art and our feelings. This foundation, based on his spiritual scientifc research, formed a practical technique of working with colour.