Page 79 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 79
This is maybe, why also in a physical perspective our heart is much more than a pump. It is the center of life itself, it is unique with each single heartbeat.
For me the most beautiful description of Life is: “Life is Change in Movement”.
The HRV is an analytical method in medicine, describing the variability of the heart rate, which has been established already for a long time. This is regulated by rhythmic changing activity of the parasympathetic and sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). A healthy human heart beats (in contrast to the general assumption) in relation to the distance between each heart beat not exactly regularly but subtle irregularly (RR1, RR2).
Stress situations, caused by physical and / or mental stress, leads to an adaptive response of the heart, showing a decrease in the variation range from beat to beat of the heart rate. On the other hand, the variation range increases during rest and relaxation.
Several thousand studies related to HRV show one common fact; the better the HRV the better we regenerate, adapt to stress and the more effciently we respond to supplements and medications.
“Sound and colour light deriving from the heart”
For me probably the most interesting part to study is the heart. The heart is much more than a pump, beating about 100'000 times a day, circulating daily several tons of blood through our body. The heart is, at least in any culture the center of love, compassion, happiness, empathy and even health.
I think the heart is our connection to life itself. To lifelines and thus fnally healing.
Not only in a spiritual term, but actually in a physical interaction with its surrounding, causing the “ease” in life or if disconnected (by the brain (?)) “dis-ease”.
But what makes the heart so special, besides its tirelessly blood transport through our body?
Christiaan Huygens, a Dutch scientist, mathematician, and inventor described in the seventeenth century the interaction of two pendulum clocks, the so called entertainment or spontaneous synchronization.
Interesting is, that our heart seams to interact with its surrounding too. Not only in a spiritual way, but