Page 81 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 81
will always get exact a sound which is 1, 2, 3 ... octaves higher than the sound the string would play without any division.
The mathematical symbol for eternity is the lying ∞ ...
What implication does this have?
The word information literally means that a vibration is translated into a from: In-Form.
Interesting in relation to vibration and coherence as described above is, that you can translate a vibration, based on doubling the frequency, and still generate resonance.
Simple example would be if you read the letter A in a very little size or a big letter A, you still get the same information. You do not read more A!... Information is as it seems not necessary dependent on the size itself.
If the heart has more functions than only circulating blood, the continuously changing frequencies of our heart, deriving from the interactions of the heart with body functions, as the respiration cycle etc., but also from interactions from outside (there is probably no complete closed system in this universe), may be the actual source for our continuously ability to regenerate thus keeping health sustaining functions literally a life.
Sound of Soul
2011 I launched a technology, which translates the frequency of the heart, based on the HRV, into an audible and visible frequency range.
Through this so called “Sound of Soul” technology it is possible to encounter one self live Here and Now in sound and colour-light.
Sound and colour-light are probably the two frequency windows in which we humans, but probably all living beings on this planet can most easily interact. The frequency window differs of course between species. We hear from about 20 to 20'000 Hz, which would correspond to 10 Octaves on the piano, whereas dogs can hear up to 50'000Hz or bats even 120'000Hz.
The technology Sound of Soul translates the continuously changing frequencies of the heart, from the frequency range 0,003Hz to 0,4Hz to the audible range and further to the visual range of light, which is about 400- 800 THz (teraherz).