Page 80 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 80
actually in a physical phenomena of coherence. Our heart interacts with the frequency of other hearts. Our heart seems to interact with any internal and external frequency.
What is coherence and what are the effects?
The most simple way to explain coherence is with resonating tuning forks. If you hit one tuning fork and the other has the same tuning or a tuning which is in an harmonic musical proportion, like the octave, ffth or alike, thus a direct overtone to the sound emitted, it resonates, implying that it takes up the vibration an starts to vibrate by itself.
How do we get an octave?
If you take a sound, let’s say 256 Hz (Do) and double its frequency you will hear the octave Do' with 512Hz. If you divide a string exactly in the middle, for example by pressing the fnger on an instrument, the remaining string will vibrate exactly twice as fast, thus we get the same result and hear the octave.
If we continuously divide a string by 2 – 4 – 8 – 16 – 32 and so on and we