Page 86 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 86
It is well known that our sight and how we perceive life is initiated by light and that the opening and closing of our felds of vision are controlled by our conscious choice as well as by our drive to survive. What is less known is that our evolutionary trajectory is tied inextricably to our fght fight reaction and how we anticipate the future, which, with the current level of ongoing trauma combined with the exponential increase in the use of cyber communications has led to what I perceive as a chronic shutdown and disavowal of our peripheral feld awareness. As Richard Rosen, Theoretical Biologist and Mathematician, described in the early 1970’s -if we stray too far from our evolutionary encodings the regulatory protective roles in our systems will not be sustainable and our anticipatory response will then prune what no longer appears necessary for survival.
In describing her father’s theories, Judith Rosen writes that we have a relatively new evolutionary development whereby there are two distinct anticipatory systems within a single organism - encoding new learning and adapting to environmental changes in real time. So the drive to survive and the drive to achieve and control are where humans can and do extend their will over instinct, to the detriment of their own health.
The intention of this article is to present how the patterns in our eye felds are reorganised by the actions of our limbic brain and fear response. That this response is our anticipatory system of survival and that repetitively choosing beta brainwave above theta brainwave is the precursor to evolutionising our peripheral awareness out of existence, potentially allowing very different versions of ourselves to proliferate.
In all things -there must be meaning, understanding and hope for a brighter future. I see the protector of our souls as our peripheral awareness - as this is how our bodies connect to the entire spectrum of light and to the Divine. And so it is to the light that I turn with unwavering trust in its power to show us the way to heal - would that all humanity fnd similar solace.
During the last four decades, two decades practising as a developmental optometrist and two decades additionally using light therapy as a treatment protocol in my practice, I have explored human peripheral awareness by charting nearpoint colour visual felds and analysing the patterns obtained with an iridology chart overlaid on these ‘eye felds’. Then, in a clinical setting, using coloured light through the eyes as a treatment process and re-charting felds regularly throughout this period on thousands of patients, it has been possible to build up a manual of feld images that reveal consistency in the signs and symptoms of dis-ease and disease which extend from the physical to the subliminal energetic patterns of existence. This became a consuming search for me when, by chance, an