Page 87 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 87

 iridology chart fell off my wall and [almost] on to a feld chart. This event instantly expanded my constricted and disconnected view of the bond between human vision and the far reaches of the universe, to an envisioning of a massive feld, flled with every conceivable aspect of consciousness and our existence.
The advances in theoretical physics, neuro-computational and bio-neuro- psycho research combined with scientifc knowledge, known to us for decades, but not proven until fairly recently, have served, to my mind, as confrmation for the proposals that I make in this article.
Imagine for a moment, that there is a meshwork of energy expanding in a cone from your eyes, as wide and as far as to the far reaches of the universe; then feeding backwards in a similar shape touching every aspect, every nook and cranny of your brain. These energetic felds via the eyes are commonly called the superhighway to the brain because of the vast array of perceptual information that is gathered by our peripheral vision in a matter of milli-seconds. This is called our Iconic Memory and is the sum total of all that exists within the seen and felt ’feld of existence’. I say ‘felt’ because this instinctive gathering of infnitesimal signals that warn us of danger when all seems safe and clear, is available for us whether we are seeing or non-seeing individuals. These are the gut signs that tell you when you are being lied to, they are the truth pointers and this is the space where all creative thoughts are birthed, intuitions ‘spirited’ in and ‘brainwaves’ reside. This superhighway is our very own personal, invisible, worldwide eye web.
And it is this aspect of our brain and our being that we are perilously close to losing.
Our peripheral perceptual eye felds are our GPS - the brain’s guidance map and lookout system for subtle clues. We use our theta brainwave function and our parasympathetic branch of the Autonomic Nervous System [ANS], to maintain this expansive view of information.
It is the interplay of these three aspects - theta brain, rest/ regenerate parasympathetic nervous system and relaxed eyes that are plugged into light as an electromagnetic power source, but are now being bombarded by a maelstrom of energetic information desirous of redialling our tuned station to beta brain, analytical sympathetic nervous system and tense eyes. Virtual reality, mixed reality, sensory substitution or addition and the development of artifcial intelligence [AI] are now clamouring for space in our beleaguered brains. The slew of information that is fed to us 24/7 is an all-out onslaught by cyberspace to own our attention.
Our peripheral awareness is the new ‘Brain Real Estate’ which aims to control every minute of our focus and attention in order that we forget how to make our own decisions and choose for ourselves what we most desire

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