Page 88 - The Power of Light, Colour and Sound for Health and Wellness draft
P. 88

 in life.
The new Brain Realtors [read - Facebook, Twitter, MR, VR etc.] have discovered the uncharted [until now- see New Light on Fields, Hadden 2010 & Coaching the Invisible Fields, Hadden 2013], unboundaried, unprotected domain of our perceptual mind’s eye feld. And having tried to tether other devices to our bodies in the form of sensory systems embedded into body hugging jackets, the new threat of AI has brought even wilder plans to insert neural networks into our veins to access and take over our personal power base.
This is a seductively advertised secret assault happening on us currently, and one that will determine whether we retain our personal autonomy, our freedom of mind or become swallowed by the tsunami of web information. The digital technology companies are racing to take control of our intuition, inventiveness and identity and to replace it with whatever they want us to believe.
If we do not retain awareness of our peripheral functional felds of vision - then we will lose all that we hold sacred for humanity.
Human behaviour, connected to the use of augmented reality and artifcial intelligence devices is changing the functioning of our sight, our brainwaves and our anticipatory systems. The long term effects of intensive digital communication may only be acknowledged when it is too late to stop what Robert Rosen has called the Anticipatory Systems Theory - the evolutionary pruning away of systems that are repetitively underutilized. And so, it was through the work of both Richard Rosen and Mihai Nadin that I became aware that evolution is a current, ever-changing and may even be a threatening aspect of human life. Evolution is a word that seems best relegated to the annals of Darwin. But this is where we are wrong. Evolution - or anticipation - has been described by Sarah Ferguson-Smith, geneticist at University of Cambridge as ‘something ...that facilitates transmission of environmentally induced traits.’
The induced changes may not always be, or appear benefcial - contrary to the common perception that evolution must bring improvements to function.
A recent discovery that the fabella, a small knee bone which was disappearing due to evolution, is increasingly appearing in humans now - although the reason has yet to be determined - it seems that it may be reappearing as a result of increased obesity leading to changed posture and response to joint pressure. And so, the fabella has returned as an evolutionary designed structure to support our 21st century dietary choices.
So why not get rid of our peripheral vision? What use has it in our society today? We have exceptional developments in cybernetics - destined to become lightning speed in the near future. What is the point of keeping the

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